Meet Savannah Aily Jackson

Savannah Aliy Jackson: Pioneering Symmetry Physiology in Equine Care and Certifying Others

As time marched on, Savannah Aliy Jackson's innovative concepts, "The Optimum Horse" and "Symmetry Physiology," emerged as cornerstones of modern equine health, both trademarked and recognized for their transformative impact. With advancing technology, her theories found validation through vivid computer graphics and research from the University of Guelph in Belgium. These visuals illustrated the miraculous birth process, shedding light on the forces and constraints an 11-month gestating foal endures to emerge from the mare's small pelvic girdle – a process that imprints lifelong patterns, unlike the more developmental nature of other mammals like puppies.

This insight into the perfection of life's processes only fueled Savannah's passion and validated her approach. Remarkably, she had learned to eliminate and permanently correct these birth patterns, facilitating self-healing in tens of thousands of horses, even before fully understanding their origin. This newfound confirmation set her purpose ablaze; she had effectively reverse-engineered a critical biological process, with the promise of even greater results on the horizon.

At the heart of her discovery was a simple yet profound truth: symmetry is key, and asymmetry is the root of most equine issues. The connection between asymmetry and the nervous system was largely unexplored yet deeply significant. Savannah understood that prolonged stress could trap a horse's body in sympathetic dominance – a state of fight, flight, freeze, or fidget. This was critical, as all horses are born asymmetrical to some degree. When subjected to symmetrical, even, and strength-building exercises, this inherent asymmetry becomes a primary stressor, transforming normal exercise into a potential catalyst for breakdown, injury, and unidentifiable pain, leading to behavioral resistance.

The type of resistance varied – explosive and dangerous, inconvenient, or stoically disassociated – but the root cause remained consistent. The inevitability of these issues, Savannah realized, was linked to the horse's sport, level of care, and horsemanship. Thus, she introduced the concept of the "Spectrums of Stress™," a theory that encapsulated the various ways in which stress manifested in horses and the subsequent impacts on their health and behavior.

Savannah's journey had now entered a realm of deeper understanding and greater potential for change. By identifying the root causes of equine stress and asymmetry, she was not just treating symptoms; she was reshaping the very foundation of equine health care. Her mission had evolved into a quest to bring balance, harmony, and well-being to the lives of horses and their human counterparts, altering the course of equine care forever.

Savannah Aliy Jackson's narrative continues to blend scientific discovery with a deep passion for equine well-being. This chapter of her journey highlights her role as a trailblazer in the field, a testament to her dedication and innovative spirit.

Embarking on the latest chapter of Savannah Aliy Jackson's remarkable journey, we delve into the evolution of her groundbreaking concepts, "The Optimum Horse" and "Symmetry Physiology," both now trademarked and recognized entities in the equine world.

Savannah Aliy Jackson: The Optimum Horse and Symmetry Physiology

Fast forward to today, and the world has witnessed the evolution of Savannah's pioneering work into refined, cutting-edge concepts known as "The Optimum Horse" and "Symmetry Physiology." The technology that once lagged behind her insights has finally caught up. Vivid computer graphic videos from the University of Guelph in Belgium now illustrate the exact patterns Savannah had identified years earlier, revealing the miraculous process of equine birth. These visuals unravel how an 11-month gestating foal navigates the small pelvic girdle of the mare, emerging almost fully formed and ready to run in less than an hour – a stark contrast to the undeveloped state of newborn puppies.

This understanding of equine birth, highlighting the inherent perfection and complexity of life, provides a fascinating insight into why these birth patterns persist throughout a horse's life. Before this confirmation, Savannah had learned to eliminate and permanently correct these birth patterns, fostering miraculous self-healing in tens of thousands of horses, all without full knowledge of their origins.

Now, with this new information igniting her passion and purpose, Savannah's work has taken on an even greater significance. She had reverse-engineered the process of equine development, and with the newfound understanding of its roots, the potential for improvement in her methods seemed boundless.

At the core of her philosophy is the concept of symmetry. In her studies, Savannah discovered that most issues in horses stem from asymmetry. The intricate connection between asymmetry and the nervous system, largely unexplored, became a focal point of her work. She recognized that prolonged stress could trap a horse's body in sympathetic dominance – a state of fight, flight, freeze, and fidget – and that the inherent asymmetry present at birth, though normal, becomes a primary stressor when the horse engages in symmetrically designed exercises.

This revelation led to the understanding that normal exercise stress, beneficial in a symmetrical structure, becomes a ticking time bomb in an asymmetrical one, leading to breakdown, injury, and unidentified pain. Horses' responses to this stress vary, ranging from explosive and dangerous behaviors to complete stoicism and disassociation. The speed of this breakdown depends on the sport, the level of care, and the quality of horsemanship, but its inevitability is universal. This insight culminated in the development of the "Spectrums of Stress™" concept.

Savannah Aliy Jackson's story is not just a tale of discovery and innovation; it is a testament to her unyielding dedication to understanding and improving the lives of horses. Her journey, from identifying mysterious patterns to revolutionizing equine care, continues to inspire and challenge the norms of the equine world.

Statement of Mission, Vision, and Purpose by Savannah Aliy Jackson, Optimum Performance Equine Technician
"In a world where the bond between humans and horses has been revered for centuries, I, Savannah Aliy Jackson, stand committed to deepening this connection through education, innovation, and holistic care. My mission is clear: to revolutionize the way we understand and interact with our equine companions, ensuring their health, vitality, and well-being are not just preserved, but enhanced.
At the core of my vision lies the unwavering belief that every horse deserves to live a life of balance, harmony, and optimum performance. This vision extends beyond the confines of individual care; it is a call to action for horse professionals, enthusiasts, organizations, and educational institutions worldwide. I am dedicated to educating and certifying as many individuals as possible in the revolutionary techniques and principles of Symmetry Physiology: Birth Physiology, Postural Restoration, Bioenergetics, and Biotensegrity – the pillars of my practice.
My purpose transcends the boundaries of traditional equine care. It is about creating a global community of informed, empowered, and compassionate individuals who share a common goal – to elevate the standard of equine health and welfare. By spreading this knowledge and these practices, we can ensure that the majestic creatures we so deeply admire are not only understood and respected but are also given the opportunity to thrive in every aspect of their lives.
In pursuit of this goal, I am committed to forging partnerships with horse professionals, lovers, organizations, and schools, offering them the tools and training necessary to make a lasting, positive impact on the equine world. Together, we can rewrite the narrative of equine health and performance, building a future where the well-being of every horse is not a mere aspiration but a tangible reality.
This is my mission, my vision, and my purpose – to enrich the lives of horses and those who care for them, ensuring that the legacy of our partnership with these magnificent animals is preserved and honored for generations to come."

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Savannah Aliy Jackson: Optimum Performance Equine Technician-Revolutionizing Horse Health

In the heart of Ocala, Florida, a name resonates with an air of mystique and promise among horse enthusiasts – Savannah Aliy Jackson. Savannah's journey in the world of equine health is a captivating tale of passion, discovery, and transformation that speaks directly to the heart of every horse owner seeking the pinnacle of care for their equine companions.

The Early Struggles and A Pivotal Shift

Savannah's tale begins in her youth, marked by a poignant struggle to understand and alleviate the chronic ailments of her beloved Off-Track Thoroughbred. This early encounter with equine suffering laid the foundation for her lifelong quest to unearth the mysteries of horse health. Her academic path, initially directed towards veterinary studies at Oregon State University, took a dramatic turn with the tragic loss of her father. Seeking healing and perspective, Savannah found solace in the rugged beauty of the Colorado mountains. But the call of the equine world, with its unsolved mysteries and unfulfilled promises, drew her back.

A Revelation in Boulder and The Birth of a New Methodology

In Boulder, Colorado, at a progressive hunter jumper barn, Savannah began to observe patterns in horse ailments that transcended breeds, disciplines, and care regimens. It was here that she encountered mentors who introduced her to a unique system of bodywork, unlike anything in the conventional equine health sphere. This approach not only answered the silent questions that had haunted her but also produced immediate, transformative results in the horses she treated.

Unveiling the Secrets of Birth Trauma

Savannah's relentless pursuit of knowledge led her to a groundbreaking hypothesis – the correlation between mysterious equine patterns and birth trauma. Supported by the work of Dr. Ian Bidstrup, her theory proposed that the traumas experienced at birth have long-lasting effects on horse health. Despite her unconventional background, Savannah's conviction in this revelation was unwavering. She felt destined to champion this cause, to become the voice for horses in an industry ripe for change.

The Optimum Horse and Symmetry Physiology

Today, Savannah's pioneering work has crystallized into two revolutionary concepts: "The Optimum Horse" and "Symmetry Physiology." Advances in technology, including research from the University of Guelph, have validated her observations, linking the equine birth process to long-term health patterns. Her ability to eliminate and correct these birth patterns has led to miraculous self-healing in thousands of horses.

Spectrums of Stress™ and Transformative Healing

At the core of Savannah's philosophy is the understanding that asymmetry, inherent in all horses, leads to a spectrum of physical and behavioral issues. Her concept of "Spectrums of Stress™" encapsulates this idea, highlighting how exercise stress, when applied to an asymmetrical structure, can lead to breakdown and injury. Savannah's approach not only addresses these issues but also promotes preventative care, ensuring the longevity and peak performance of horses under her care.

An Invitation to Experience Transformation

As Savannah brings her revolutionary methods to the prestigious horse shows of Ocala, Florida, she extends an invitation to discerning horse owners. Experience the transformation that Savannah Aliy Jackson can bring to your equine partners. Witness the blend of intuition, skill, and groundbreaking knowledge that has reshaped the narrative of equine health. Booking multiple sessions with Savannah is not just an investment in your horse's health; it's a step into a future where each horse achieves its optimum potential.

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