Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information provided by Savannah Aliy Jackson (Optimum Alumni, LLC; The Optimum Horse) is for educational purposes. It is not presented to replace veterinary advice nor to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. No warranties regarding the information contained herein are expressed or implied. We make no claims as to suitability for your purposes and cannot be responsible for any situations which arise due to your use of this material.

Every effort has been made to insure that all information is correct, but we cannot be responsible for errors— typographical or otherwise. The reader is advised that opinions on health topics may vary from professional to professional. The opinions expressed are those of Savannah Aliy Jackson. Other medical professionals who are qualified may disagree with some of her opinions. It will be up to the reader to become informed, weigh the evidence, and form his or her own opinions before taking action of any kind. Check with your health professional when in doubt.

Laws regulating the practice of nutrition, traditional remedies, folk medicine, and health care in its many facets vary somewhat from state to state and can vary greatly from nation to nation. The user of this material is advised that it is his or her responsibility to insure that his or her actions are consistent with local laws.

Regarding the Nutritional Products Mentioned

Federal and state laws and regulations in the United States preclude us from making specific medical claims regarding nutritional supplements (other than homeopathic products). Nutritional products are to be used as dietary supplements only. However, many nutritional products provide essential substances that affect body functions, especially those that may be adversely affected by lifestyle and dietary practices. Nutrition therefore has an important role to play in preventative health care. The nutritional supplements recommended herein are designed to provide nutritional support for the body as it works to achieve and maintain a healthy condition.

Any symptoms or diseases mentioned with regard to any nutritional supplements (other than homeopathic products) are presented for historical purposes—illustrating some of the conditions for which these treatments, herbs or nutrients have traditionally been used. These are not meant to be health claims nor guarantees of a cure and should not be construed as such. Testimonials are not intended to imply that you can achieve the same results.

For counsel on injuries or diseases, we recommend that you consult a wholistic health professional who can help you make decisions concerning specific health concerns. Nothing can replace the one on one contact between a patient and his or her health professional. If you have any doubt, consult your doctor or other health care provider before attempting self treatment.

These treatments are designed to support or enhance the normal function of your bodily systems. In doing so, they may assist in bringing about a resolution of your symptoms, but they are not intended to take the place of any properly prescribed medications that you may be administering.

The information on this website is provided under the following terms and conditions. By making use of this site, accessing the sites or any of the information that it contains, or emailing, commenting or asking for advice, you hereby agree to the following:

RELEASE and WAIVER: If you use, access, comment on these websites, www.theoptimumhorse.com, www.thehorsesbest.com, www.savannahaliyjackson.com, www.theoptimumhorse.membervault.com; www.facebook.com/theoptimumhorse and all groups and sales pages etc. associated with the educational material presented www.elevatesequineevents.eventbrite.com, www.facebook.com/elevatesequine, www.youtube.com/savannahaly, (hereafter referred to as SITES), you agree to release everyone involved with these sites from all claims of and liability for, damage, death, injury or loss related in any way to these SITES, information on the SITES and communication with the SITES. You agree to indemnify these SITES, and all those associated with these SITES, fully from all claims of, and liability for, damage, death, injury or loss to yourself and others with whom you share SITES information. You agree to assume all the risk of your own horse activities. You understand that horse riding, training and handling and just being around horses is a high-risk sport, activity and endeavor, and you are participating and/or allowing trainer instructional participation at your own risk and/or your trainer's own risk.

You, HEREBY RELEASE the SITES, Savannah Aliy Jackson, her family and heirs, from all claims, demands, actions or cause of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether now known or ascertained, or which may hereafter develop or accrue in favor of yourself, representatives or dependents, on account of or by reason of any injury, loss, or damage, which may be suffered by you or them, or to any horse or property, animate or inanimate, belonging to you or used by you, because of any matter, thing or condition, negligence or default whatsoever and you hereby assume and accept full risk of any and all danger or any hurt, injury or damage which may occur through or by any reason or any matter, thing, or condition, by any person whatsoever.

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In Layman's terms: Don't be stupid, don't try things that can get you hurt, don't use these sites or information on these sites as an excuse to do stupid stuff that gets you over your head, hurt or injured. Use common sense, be safe, get professional help if needed and/or professional supervision. A horse is 1000 plus pounds of raw bone, muscle and emotion, bad things happen fast and you can get killed or hurt. Don't listen to anyone that tells you do something that may get you hurt, including me, and if you do something -- you accept the consequences. Being a fool with a horse is a short trip to a hospital bed or the morgue. Use caution and good judgment. Remember the horse always pays for your mistakes, even if you get hurt, the horse will get blamed. If you contact me whining or crying about sites content or ask for my advice, help or explanation, I have the right to use your emails, questions or comments.

If you don't agree with these terms or releases feel free to leave the sites and don't contact me.

Enjoy the sites LOVE your horses!

Savannah Aliy Jackson

Elevates Equine Lifetime Soundness, The Optimum Horse, Optimum Alumni, LLC Copyright 2012